Let us say a bit more about a puzzle that came about in previous posts. Let p be "the sum of the angles of a triangle is lower than 180 degrees" and C a modal operator "it is conceivable that". Consider the situation before anyone even conceived of non-euclidean geometries as a consistent alternative to euclidean geometry. Then, intuitively speaking, p was not conceivable (¬Cp). But we now know that p is true of some triangles, because the geometry of the universe is non-euclidean (p). On the other hand, it is quite natural to think that conceptual modality is factive, that is, that if something stems from conceptual necessity, then it is also true (¬C¬p→p), and this implies the converse, that if something is true, then it is conceivable (p→Cp). But these three premises are mutually inconsistent, hence our trilemma: one of the following statements must be false. ¬Cp p p→Cp So, we have exactly three options: (A) either we can claim that p always was...